Oct 4, 2010

October Daisy Girl Scout Events !!!

Oct. 5th - meeting from 3:30 to 5. We will be working on a service project making Thank You notes for the Shark Reef Staff and the Mountains Edge Fire Station. The girls will also be helping plan our upcoming Halloween Party and Camp Out Adventure.

Tuesday Oct. 19th is the Daisy Halloween Party!!
Plan on a longer meeting this day full of Halloween Fun and Games!! Send your child in a Halloween Costume for the Party! We will plan on meeting from 5-7pm this day!

Lets take a look at the moon during our camp out training meeting...

Friday Oct. 22nd is our Camp Out Training and Fun! A few changes are being made due to parent feedback on the event. It will no longer be an over night event...we will try this at a later date when the kids are better associated with everyone and a bit older to not have fearful kids scared at night. I am pretty sure my daughter will be begging for shelter indoors after the bed time story in the tent also :) We will meet at my house from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Please send your child in comfortable clothing and shoes, also bring thier sleeping bags for story time in the tents in the back yard. We will be spending the entire evening with Camping activities, including a campfire, smore's, counting stars, and looking at the moon in a telescope. We will end the evening with bed time stories and hand shadow shows in their tents :) Please be here to pick up your child at 9pm for a good night sleep in their own comfy beds. I feel this is a great start to prepare them for camping in the future!