Nov 10, 2010

Donate Food to Families in Need for Thanksgiving!

The Las Vegas Rotary Club has been a significant contributor to Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada through the years. They have financially supported numerous projects at Camp Foxtail, purchased the flagpoles and flags in front of the service center, and provided the equipment we use to produce the information disks for troops. Now it's our turn to support them. Each year the club conducts a friendly competition with the Kiwanis Club to see which organization can bring in the most non-perishable items and donate them to families in need. We are inviting troops to help with this effort.

If you would like to participate, please bring in your non-perishable food items to our Thanksgiving meeting November 23rd. You will receive one Give Thanks Patch per girl for donating at least 2 items.
We will meet form 5:30 to 6:45pm Tuesday November 23rd.

I will turn in our donations to the Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada Council Shop the following day November 24th to donate our food & recieve the girls patches!

Nov 8, 2010

Sorry! Nothing like late notice..but we are making posters tomorrow for the veterans day parade at our meeting. If you have an active military family member or a veteran your child wishes to honor feel free to send them with a “copy” of a picture or two for them to add to their poster. The posters are 14x22 and each girl will be making one to carry in the parade, so anything that will fit on that size is great! The pictures will not be returned, copies only! I will also be handing out their Girl Scout Member pins tomorrow to each girl. Please send them with their tunic so we can add the pins to them :)

If you received a notice in the mail regarding registration for 2011..unfortunately we have to register again. I was told by the Spring Valley Unit that they would register us late in 2010 to carry us into all of 2011. Today after meeting with Marabel at the Council office I found out differently. Some of you that joined later in the year are fine. But the majority of us need to re-register for 2011. I will get the paperwork all together here and have it ready for each parent to sign tomorrow. The council is requiring the $12 registration fee again when I send the forms in. Another huge miscommunication from the council to me and I apologize for the inconvenience to us! I will try to help and keep it simple and have most the work done when you come to the meeting tomorrow. Please bring a Check made out to Girl Scouts of America for $12.00.

Also Keep in mind during our Thanksgiving Party meeting November 23rd the girls will be having a light Thanksgiving Feast and they need to bring at least 2 canned or boxed items for the food drive the girls will be having to help support the hungry during the thanksgiving holiday. The girls will be working toward a Food Drive Patch in the following months and possibly will visit a soup kitchen the first of next year. It is still all in the works :)

All Thanksgiving food items the girls will eat at the party will be fruit, cheeses, and turkey…No cookies or possible nut items will be served. Please let me know if your child has any food allergies!

Thank you for all you support!! Joani Williams


Nov 3, 2010

Reminder we are planning the girl scout back yard event this Friday the 5th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm...please have dinner before..we will have fruit and S’mores..wear clothing in layers..bring a blanket or sleeping bag :) see u all Friday!

Also please remember the $3 dollars for the Veterans Day parade if your daughter will be attending.  I will need it by next Tuesday the November 9th meeting at the latest :) I am having a banner printed for us to carry and we have 2 large flags to carry.  I am also thinking dressing in red, white or blue under our girl scout uniforms will be cute :)